Patent “Method for Prevention of Catastrophes and a Device for Implementation Thereof”

The mechanism at work in the technologies of Grigori Grabovoi is a normalising biosignal in human consciousness, described in the patents “Method for Prevention of Catastrophes and a Device for Implementation Thereof” and “Information transfer system to ensure eternal development”.


Patent “Method for Prevention of Catastrophes and a Device for Implementation Thereof”

The method for prevention of catastrophes and a device for its implementation with respect to eternal development is the method by which an operator broadcasts a biosignal and receives a creative salvation result, both from themselves and and from all other objects of reality. And this proves that thought has a certain physical activity, a physical manifestation.

The patent wording contains the description of the method for application of the action.
This action “generates biosignals and also contributes to the normalisation of the situation in the area of the supposed disaster”
The patent notice contains scientific, technical and practical evidence of the method of normalising events through the use of the normalising biosignal.

Therefore, this patented method organises eternal life, because it proves that the reading and study of the works of Grigori Grabovoi contributes to the normalisation of personal events towards eternal development, and allows the prevention of catastrophic phenomena for the organism and the environment, by means of consciousness which generates biosignals through thought.

The description of the patent “Method for prevention of catastrophes and a device for implementation thereof” No. 2148845 of 10 May 2000 is available on the Internet on the official website of the Russian Federal Service of Intellectual Property, Patents and Trademarks.


Introductory course in the teaching of Grigory Grabovoi.

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