Scientific validation of
The technology PRK-1U represents a major step forward, combining the principles of :
- Physics
- Quantum physics
- Mathematics
- Biotechnology
- Sciences of consciousness
Its main aim is to amplify human mental capacities.
By capturing and amplifying thought bio-signals, this unique device enables greater control of reality and accelerated development of mental concentration, opening up new perspectives for personal development and mastery of consciousness.
By incorporating these validated and published scientific findings, the PRK-1U is positioned as a cutting-edge technology that harnesses the unsuspected potential of the human mind to influence and harmonise our daily lives, and to achieve ambitious goals such as :
- Eternal life
- Reality check
(The notions of "eternal life" and "reality control" are to be understood in the sense of Grigori Grabovoi's teachings - and not in the sense of the definitions known to the general public).
PRK-1U aims to promote the eternal expansion of the universe, an essential condition for guaranteeing eternal life.
By focusing on the PRK-1U's optical lenses, users can direct and amplify their thoughts to influence future events, helping to stabilise the universe and improve their daily lives.
Scientific basis of PRK-1U technology
Considering the discoveries made by numerous scientists on human thought and consciousness - which you can find here - it is accepted that :
- Human thought emits electromagnetic waves (or radiation) known as "bio-signals".
- In addition to its energy potential, thought also has mass, giving it a quantifiable materiality.
- Biosignals are capable of interacting directly with objects and subjects in the material world - proving that thought can influence the physical and material events of our reality.
- These biosignals can also interact with technological devices such as the PRK-1U (and other existing devices).
These results may seem incredible to most orthodox or conformist scientists...
But PRK-1U technology is based on extremely solid, cutting-edge scientific principles.
In application of these principles...
The PRK-1U is designed to capture and amplify the biosignals of human thought,
to produce a tangible effect on events.
It allows us to influence reality through our thoughts.
Quantum physics and PRK-1U
Quantum physics plays a crucial role in the operation of PRK-1U.
When thought waves interact with the device, they are significantly amplified by the principles of quantum mechanics.
The PRK-1U is not, however, a quantum device in the strict sense of the word...
But the way it works exploits the discoveries of waves and thought (detailed on this page), themselves explained by quantum physics.
Patents behind PRK-1U technology
PRK-1U technology is based on 2 patents by Grigori Grabovoï:
- "Disaster prevention method and system for implementing it (Patent no. 2148845).
- "Information transmission system (Patent no. 2163419).
The legitimacy and novelty of these patents have been established by the court and therefore have preventive value.
On 30 May 2008, Elena Dagunts, a graduate of the Russian State Academy of Intellectual Property and a patent expert, concluded that these patents were pioneering.
In other words, they have no analogues or prototypes in the history of inventions, and the claims of these patents are absolutely new.
This conclusion was corroborated by patent attorney Kopaev A., who verified it following a patent purity check.
He pointed out that not only the patents, but also the principles and approaches, methods and systems used in Grigori Grabovoi's patents, have never been registered in any country in the entire history of inventions.
Specifically, these are :
- The use of biosignal generation in the optical system.
- Modifying the intensity of the radiation of thoughts to normalise events.
What's more, prior to Grigori Grabovoi's inventions, no scientific publication or popularisation in any country contained such information.
This scientific validation and these unique patents fully legitimise the invention of PRK-1U and attest to its originality and efficacy.
Patent no. 2148845
"Method of disaster prevention and
to implement it".
This patent describes a method and device for preventing natural and man-made disasters using light signals and a sophisticated optical system.
Its innovation lies in :
- The use of light and crystals to detect and prevent disasters.
- The integration of an advanced optical system with precise processing of light signals.
Key benefits:
- More efficient and versatile than existing methods.
- Can be used for various types of disaster, not just earthquakes.
- Lower operating costs thanks to simpler, reusable technology.
This method and device offer a new approach to disaster risk management, with improved accuracy and wide application.
Prevent disasters such as earthquakes or industrial accidents before they happen.
How it works :
The device picks up light signals from the area where a disaster could occur.
These signals are processed by an optical system made up of crystals, often rock crystal, arranged in cubes in a glass sphere.
The optical system generates standardised radiation to analyse the characteristics of the light signals.
Disaster detection :
A disaster is predicted when the normalised radiation in a specific zone increases relative to other zones.
For natural disasters, an increase from 20 to 28% indicates a high probability of disaster.
For human disasters, an increase of 10 to 12% is an indicator.
Treatment Technology :
The light signals pass through a series of crystals and are processed to normalise the situation.
A sensor records these signals, which are then amplified and analysed by a system of processors.
The results are displayed and standardisation signals are sent to prevent disaster.
Patent no. 2163419
"Information transmission system
This patent describes a method and a device for improving the wireless transmission of information using innovative optical elements.
Its innovation lies in :
- The transmitter's detection elements receive thoughts from the operator and convert them into light radiation.
- The use of crystals to generate and normalise light radiation.
- The radiation is immediately reproduced by the receiver elements and then converted into electrical signals.
Key benefits:
- High reliability thanks to a simplified structure with no moving parts.
- Rapid transmission of information without delay, even over distances of thousands of kilometres.
- High immunity to interference, with transmission unaffected by obstacles.
This method and device offer an innovative approach to information transmission, using optical physics and crystals for reliable, interference-free communication over long distances.
Improve the reliability and immunity to interference of wireless information transmission systems over long distances.
How it works :
The transmission system comprises a transmitter and a receiver spaced apart.
Each unit (transmitter and receiver) has spherical optical detection elements of varying diameters, fixed to a support element.
The transmitter activates the detection elements, which emit light.
This radiation is reproduced almost instantaneously by the receiver elements.
Detection technology :
The detection elements are made of crystal, often in the shape of cubes, and are integrated into a glass sphere.
The receiver converts the radiation received into electrical signals, which are processed by a processor to record the information.
Find out more about these two patents
in Russian, English and French on this page.
(with the option of downloading them in PDF format)
Validation of Grigori Grabovoï's work on PRK-1U technology
Grigori Grabovoi said he had created the PRK-1U thanks to his clairvoyant and predictive abilities.
As a graduate of the Faculty of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics at Tashkent State University, he has applied the recognised methods of higher mathematics and orthodox physics, of which he is a specialist.
His physical and mathematical equations justifying the patents described above have been verified on several occasions and published in scientific journals.
An article by Grigori Grabovoï, presenting his theoretical and experimental justifications, has been published in the journal "Electronic Engineering" of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
Read Grigori Grabovoï's article published in Russian by Electronic Engineering in 1999:
"Research and analysis of fundamental definitions of optical systems in disaster prevention and prediction-oriented microprocess control".
You can download the English version of the article here.
Composed of renowned scientists, the editorial board of Electronic Engineering has verified Grigori Grabovoï's physical and mathematical theory, his calculations and the experimental results confirming the calculations.
Composition of the editorial committee :
- Y.N. Dyakov (editor-in-chief) - AMI academician, doctor of technical sciences, professor.
- E.V. Avdeev - Candidate for technical sciences
- V.Y. Bartenev
- A.S. Bondarevsky
- V.D. Werner - Ph, Master of Science
- S.A. Garyainov (Deputy Editor-in-Chief) - Doctorate in Science
- V.L. Dshkhunyan - Candidate in technical sciences
- V.N. Dyagilev - Candidate for technical sciences
- A.V. Emelyanov - Doctor of Science
- L.A. Ivanyutin - Doctor of Science
- G.G. Kazennoe - Doctor of Science
- RAS G.Y. Krasnikov - Doctor of Science
- V.E. Minaychev - Ph.D.
- A.A. Popov - Ph.D.
- A.A. Rudenko - Ph.D.
- T.D. Shermergor - Ph.D.
- A.T. Yakovlev - Ph.D.
In addition to the theoretical and qualitative solutions obtained, the resolution of Grigori Grabovoï's equations has enabled precise measurements to be made of the thought biosignal captured by the PRK-1U.
In other words, instead of simply having a theoretical understanding or a general formula, Grigori Grabovoi was able to use his equations to obtain measurable and verifiable results on :
- The specific wavelengths of the biosignal,
- Biosignal intensities,
- And other measurable quantities relevant to the experiments and practical applications of PRK-1U.
These quantitative solutions enabled Grigori Grabovoï to validate his work and confirm the usability of his inventions by comparing theoretical results with experimental data.
The Big Bang theory at the heart of how PRK-1U works
During operation of the third mode of the PRK-1U device and the modified PRK-1UM device, each lamp ignition is produced by a physical process in the converter similar to a powerful shock action.
The corresponding physical and mathematical calculations give concrete form to Grigori Grabovoi's theory of the wave synthesis of reality in the initial zone of intersection of the static and dynamic waves of reality.
According to the physico-mathematical equations of this theory, in the initial zone of intersection of the static and dynamic waves of reality, there are physical processes similar to the well-known Big Bang theory.
According to these equations, the Big Bang theory is a special case of wave synthesis theory.
The PRK-1U therefore works in part on principles linked to the Big Bang theory.
The Big Bang theory applied to PRK-1U
According to this theory, the universe began with a massive explosion, creating everything that exists today. This theory is generally accepted and well documented.
Grigori Grabovoï used concepts from this theory to develop the PRK-1U.
The device works using physical and mathematical equations similar to those describing the Big Bang.
For example, when in mode three, the PRK-1U generates a physical action similar to a powerful explosion, creating an effect similar to the shockwave of the Big Bang.
This makes it possible to synthesise static and dynamic waves, a crucial process in the operation of the PRK-1U.
Grigori Grabovoi studied and developed these equations during his work at the Institute of Seismology and the Institute of Cybernetics in Uzbekistan.
This research has enabled him to understand how the processes of the universe can be applied to devices to influence reality.
In simple terms, the PRK-1U uses these concepts to capture and amplify human thoughts, making it possible to modify real events using mental concentration.
The Big Bang theory suggests that the universe continues to expand.
Grigori Grabovoi applies this idea by using PRK-1U to promote this expansion, creating an "eternal reality".
By reducing the average density of matter in the universe through radiation and controlled electromagnetic fields, the PRK-1U helps to maintain this expansion, which is essential for the eternal life of everyone.
As a result, the PRK-1U not only theorises about the Big Bang, but also actively applies its principles to improve and extend life illustrating an innovative and practical use of cosmological theories.
Wave synthesis theory
In the PRK-1U, the shock action, i.e. the explosive type, implements the physical principle of the evolution of such a system over time, including, in accordance with the theory and equations of wave synthesis, the initial stage, i.e. "the beginning of the world".
While working at the Institute of Seismology and the Institute of Cybernetics of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Grigori Grabovoi compiled and worked out the physical-mathematical equations for calculating the characteristics of the explosion by measuring the parameters of the blast wave.
These equations are used to calculate the evolutionary processes of the Universe at the initial stage - approximately one hundredth of a second from the "beginning of the world" - compiled and worked out in practice by Grigori Grabovoi when he was working at the Tashkent design office for the Ministry of General Machine Building as an engineer-mathematician for space instrumentation.
Grigori Grabovoï used the powerful laser radiation facility available in his sector to conduct experiments confirming his equations and calculations on the subject of protection against continuous or pulsed laser radiation.
The periodic pulses with extrapolation of the results 10^-2 seconds and 10^-17 have made it possible to calculate the theory of wave synthesis, using the mathematical methods of the theory of functions of a complex variable and two other mathematical methods from the initial stage of the world's development - from the "beginning of the world" to the order of a hundredth of a second of the world's development.
At the 1998 scientific session, during which Grigori Grabovoï defended his doctoral thesis "Applied structures in the field of information creation".The famous scientist Albert Nikitaevich Nikitin established that the "Wave Synthesis Theory" includes Einstein's "General Theory of Relativity" as a special case.
Applying Grigori Grabovoi's "Theory of Wave Synthesis", the PRK-1U operates in periodic pulse mode, where each light pulse generated simulates a shock action similar to that of the Big Bang.
Tests and testimonials
The PRK-1U has three optical lenses on its surface.
When concentrating, the user focuses on these lenses, which help to focus and amplify the biosignals of thought.
Concentration techniques using PRK-1U lenses have been validated by hundreds of user tests.
Find out more about the results of using PRK-1U as well as some written testimonials here.